Where do I get copies of an accident or incident report,
and what are the fees?
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §50-18-70; There is no charge for the first quarter hour of time expended in record preparation. The Open Records Act allows an agency to charge up to 10 cents per page, provided that it uses the most economical means of copying reasonably available. There is no charge for simple inspection of records that are routinely subject to public disclosure. However, if the person requesting to review records chooses to obtain a copy or copies of the report(s), the cost of the retrieval fee for the entire request may be levied from the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office Records Division at 478-994-7717.
Where do I go to get my vehicle tags?
Vehicle tags may be obtained from the Monroe County Tax and Tag Office, located at 38 West Main Street
or by calling 478-994-7020.
Where do I get an expungement, and what are the fees?
O.C.G.A. § 35-3-37(d) (1) allows for the expungement of arrest charges by a local law enforcement agency when certain conditions are met (as outlined in this statute). If approved by appropriate prosecutor, the arrest cycle is sealed on the Georgia criminal history report by GCIC. Access to that arrest information is restricted to criminal justice agencies only.
The following are examples of final court dispositions that may qualify: Dismissed: Not Presented to Grand Jury: No Further Action Anticipated; Nolle Prossed/Prosequi; Dead Docket; or No Record on File. Dispositions of Guilty, Not Guilty, Nolo Contendre, and First Offender Act are not eligible. It is recommended that you review a copy of your criminal history, prior to submitting the Request to Expunge Record, to ensure that all charges have a final disposition listed and the disposition may qualify for expungement. If a disposition is missing or incorrect, please contact the appropriate court; the court may transmit the disposition on-line.
How do I request an expungement?
To apply for the local record expungement, contact the arresting law enforcement agency to obtain an application for Request to Expunge Record. Also the Request to Expunge Record can be found on the GBI website, www.gbi.georgia.gov by selecting Publications and then selecting Georgia Criminal History Record Expungements or click on this link Georgia Criminal History Record Expungements. The Request to Expunge Record is a three-part form:
Section One - You will complete Section One and return to the arresting agency and submit the form with a $25.00 money order or cash to cover processing fees, postage, etc.
Section Two - Completed by the arresting agency that forwards the request to the appropriate prosecutor (District Attorney or Solicitor).
Section Three – Upon approval of the expungement by prosecutor, all three sections should be forwarded to GCIC by the arresting agency. An additional $25.00 money order or cash to pay for the processing fee must be submitted to complete the processing by GCIC. All applications must be approved or denied by the appropriate prosecutor.
Where do I get a firearms permit?
Georgia does not require a conceal carry permit, as Georgia is a constitutional carry state. If you are a resident of Georgia, and plan to travel outside the state, you may need a Georgia permit, firearms reciprocity agreements notwithstanding. Applicants must meet the license qualifications for Georgia. This extensive list is addressed in Georgia Code 16-11-129. Applications can be found at the Monroe County Probate Court. The Probate court will provide the applicant with information regarding fees and information on fingerprinting. The permit lasts for five years at which time the applicant must apply for a renewal.
Where do I request patrol of my house when I am away on vacation?
Contact the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office Patrol Division at 994-7046.
How can I register a complaint against the agency
or employee of the agency?
Please contact our Internal Affairs Investigator, Lt. Chad Beck, at (478)994-7048 or by email cbeck@monroecosheriffga.us